Monday, October 8, 2007

Wearing a Marriage Ring

One day in Puerto Rico I was challanged by my niece if I can explain why the tradition of why we wear the ring on the left hand and in the ring finger.

I struggled with the question to answer quickly but not wanting to say I didn't know my brain quickly gave an explanation.

Althought incorrect I stated the following;

The ring was wore on the left hand because the Cruzades the knights fought with their right hand that is why in the military you salute with the right hand. Since the posibility existed to lose your right hand in battle and rings also was used as signatures in letter and not to lose that ring it was wore on the left hand. Not a correct answer...

As I searched for the answer here is what I have found.

1. During the Egyptian time the ring or circle represented eternity.
2. The finger next to the pinky was beleived that the vain from that finger ran staright to the heart and thus the heart on the left side of the body thus the left hand.
3. During the times of the roman and man giving a ring to the women signified ownership.
4 During the Medivel time placing the ring on the fouth finger the groom would place the ring in the fingers denoting The Father, The Son and the holy ghost and thus remain in the forth finger.
5. Priest would wear a wedding band on left hand to let everyone know that they are married to the church.

There are more traditions that might be useful to further understand the wedding, marriage and even the cuttting of the cake.

What do you think?

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