Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby

On Saturday, December 22, 1983, my then-pregnant wife and I were invited to a Christmas get-together party at the home of a friend, Richard Denoia.  We lived in West Germany in a city called Darmstadt, when I was in the military and serving my first of three yrs.

My then-wife, Toi who originally is from Thailand was supposed to give birth sometime this month of December; we expected and hoped that it would be on the 24th as it is also my brother’s birthday.

Back then the price of fuel for the military was .87cents a gallon.  In the news there was a military truck damaged due to arson, a CIA employee was indicted on spy charges, Dan Marino was named NFL MVP and it was on this day that in NY city a man named Bernhard Hugo Goetz shoots four robbers on the subway train.  Madonna #1 is Like a Virgin.

The temperature on this day was not too bad between 38-43 so it would not be a cold night as we headed to Denoia's home for this Christmas celebration.  While at the Denoia's there was food, and music and the guest included all the Puerto Ricans that were serving in the same unit from C44 Sig Bn., SGT. Toro w/wife and daughter, SGT Jimenez w/wife and son, SGT Lopez w/wife, and of course Denoia and his wife and Daughter.

During the evening, Toi was feeling the contractions but they were off and on and the joke Denoia said was "it looks like a baby tonight" we laugh but I was not expecting it and Toi didn't hint that it might be so.

At about midnight we decided to go home as Toi was feeling very tired.  At home, we went straight to sleep like any other night.

At about 5AM Toi woke me to let me know it was time, it was automatic motions that I followed, we already had everything packed and ready, and I quickly dressed and helped her up the stairs to the front door.  The reason it was up the stairs and not down is that the apartment that we were renting in Darmstadt was a basement that was converted to a one-bedroom, one-bath apartment.  I would have to say it was one of the coziest homes I have ever lived.

I had a white 1973 Volkswagen beetle that on the autobahns in Germany could do 100 MPH about 130 KPH and I used every bit of it to get to the hospital.  From Darmstadt to Frankfurt was a 30-kilometer trip and being a Sunday early morning we were at the hospital by 5:45, since there was no traffic.

I drove to the entrance of the maternity and quickly ran inside to let them know that my wife is in labor...they quickly gave me a wheelchair to get my wife inside.  Once she was in, I ran back out to park the car so that I can be there in time for the birth of my baby... (Our baby) not understanding that labor takes time and time was whenever the baby decided.

At the time, you just didn't know what you were going to get and you had no idea if it was going to be a boy or a girl...I bragged that it would be a boy as all men do.

Once I got back inside, the nurse gave me some garments to wear and I proceeded to change, once done I was inside with my wife.  She lay in bed and was hooked up to some machines to watch her contractions.  One lesson learned is never; EVER give a woman that is having a baby your hand with a ring on it.  She will have Hulk-like powers in it and squeeze so hard you will beg for forgiveness.

During the time we watch the contractions, she was not allowed to eat or drink...I was only able to give her ice for her to suck on and for me to rub her lips with.  The morning changed to midmorning and afternoon but nothing major other than the contractions which came closer together.

Finally, at about 2:00PM or so, her water broke (still have no clue what the heck that is) and she was rushed into the delivery room.  The nurse then told me to go and scrub as I was to be allowed to be in the room while she gave birth.  Once scrubbed I came next to my wife who by then was breathing and the pushing commenced.

It happened so fast, I saw the head and noticed the amount of hair that my baby had, and I immediately remembered what my parents told me upon my own birth, whereas I was heavily haired as well.  So, I immediately thought it would be a boy.

Once the baby was out, the nurse said it was a girl, but I never felt disappointed even though it registered that it was a girl.  It was a miracle and I was joyful that she was born, Toi's face was puffed with sweat and she was exhausted but at 2:29PM on Sunday, December 23, 1984, our daughter Maliá was born.

Toi was so exhausted that the nurse took the baby to clean and give her a medical exam and in a moment Toi was asleep. Once my baby was cleaned and in a hospital crib, I was allowed to go next to her and just watch...Amazed.

After a couple of hours and noticing that Toi was out for the night, I was told that really there was nothing more that I could do and that I should get some rest.  I then got into my 1973 Volkswagen Beetle and began driving home...thinking of everything that had happened.

On the autobahn on the way home, I pulled over and remembered something my father told me when I was 15..."When you become a father you will understand” As I pondered on that thought, I began to cry and felt like the happiest man on earth, and then I understood.

Happy Birthday, baby.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Learning from a Dog - Aprendiendo de un Perro

Espanol mas abajo

A Dog's Purpose? (from a 6-year-old).

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me.. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said,'' People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?''
The Six-year-old continued,'' Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently..


Propósito del perro ? (de un niño de 6 años).

Ser un veterinario, me habían llamado a examinar un Lobo Irlandés de diez años de edad llamado Belker. Los propietarios del perro, Ron, su esposa Lisa y su niño pequeño Shane, estaban todos muy apegados a Belker, y ellos estaban esperando un milagro.

He examinado a Belker y encontré que estaba muriendo de cáncer. Dije a la familia que no podía hacer nada para Belker y ofrecí realizar el procedimiento de eutanasia por el viejo perro en su casa.

Como hemos hecho arreglos, Ron y Lisa me dijeron que pensaban que sería bueno para Shane de seis años observara el procedimiento. Se sentían como si Shane podría aprender algo de la experiencia.

Al día siguiente, sentí la captura familiar en mi garganta como familia de Belker le había rodeado. Shane parecía tan tranquilo, acariciaba el perro viejo por última vez, me preguntaba si entendía lo que estaba sucediendo. Dentro de unos minutos, Belker se deslizó afuera pacíficamente.

El niño parecía aceptar la transición del Belker sin ninguna dificultad o confusión. Nos sentamos juntos durante un tiempo después de la muerte de Belker, preguntándose en voz alta sobre el triste hecho de que la vida animal es más corta que vidas humanas.
Shane, que había escuchado tranquilamente, dijo, '' yo sé por qué ''.

Asustados, todos recurrimos a él. A continuación lo que salió de su boca sorprendió a mí... Nunca había oído hablar de una explicación más reconfortante. He cambiado la forma de intento de mi vivir.

Dijo,'' Las personas nacen para que puedan aprender cómo vivir una buena vida--como amar a todo en el mundo, todo el tiempo y ser agradable, ¿no?''
Continuaron los seis años de edad, ‘‘ Bien, perros ya saben cómo hacerlo, así que no tienen que quedarse tanto tiempo. ‘‘

Vivir simplemente.

Amar generosamente.

Cuidado profundamente.

Hablar amablemente.

Recuerde que si un perro fuese el profesor podría aprender cosas como:

Cuando los seres queridos llegue a la casa, siempre corran a saludarlas.

Nunca dejar pasar la oportunidad de ir a una salida.

Permitir la experiencia de aire fresco y del viento en tu rostro para sentir puro éxtasis.

Tomar siestas.

Estirar antes de levantarse.

Corre, salta y jugar todos los días.

Procura la atención y dejar que la gente te toque.

Evitar morder cuando un simple regano es suficiente.

En los días cálidos, detener el momento para acostarse en el césped.

En días calurosos, beber mucha agua y te recuesta bajo la sombra del árbol

Cuando esté satisfecho, bailar todo alrededor y muévase su cuerpo entero.

Deleitarse con la simple alegría de una caminata.

Ser leal.

Nunca pretender ser algo que no eres.

Si lo que desea está enterrado, cavar hasta que lo encuentre.

Cuando alguien tiene un mal día, estar en silencio, sentarse cerca y los abraza suavemente...


Monday, August 29, 2011

Carta de Pesame (Only In Spanish)

No hace mucho me puse a recordar de Zulma, una mujer a quien adopte como abuela y quien ella adopto como hijo.  en Marzo 5, 2009 ella paso a otra etapa de lo que es el ciclo de la vida.  Limpiando mi computadora de archivos inecesarios encontre esta carta escrito en el 9 de Marzo de 2009.  La quiero compartir con ustedes.

No sabes lo difícil que se me hace poder expresar el luto que siento y poder decirles cuanto siento lo que están pasando ustedes.

La relación que tuve con tu mama fue una que se inicio bajo otras circunstancias y la cual con los años poco a poco se iba transformándose como la vida de una mariposa.

Para mí fue una época alegre y de agradecimiento poder disfrutar mi tiempo con ella.  Sus cuentos se convirtió en mis cuentos, sus deseos los míos, sus penas, ansias y risas también se desenvolvieron convirtiéndose míos.

Atraves de los años ella en mi pensar y en mi sentir me acepto como parte de su núcleo familiar y en ocasiones hasta me decía “Hijo”  Se preocupaba de mi y cuando escuchaba noticias de huracanes en la Florida me llamaba para asegurarse que yo estuviera bien.

Cuando yo la veía, sus ojos (lo cuales me encantan) se llenaba de alegría.  Se reía de los cuentos míos no importando que tonto eran.  Al igual me daba consejos de mi vida enamorado…y yo le contestaba que le iba a conseguir marido y que Zarate estaba disponible, con eso cambiaba de tema.

En fin tuvimos muchas conversaciones hasta en el silencio me hablaba y las cosas que me decía era para siempre reírnos.

En muchos momentos contemplaba como llamarla, si abuela era adecuada, abue o hasta mami.  Decidí con “La Zulma” titulo de única.

En los últimos meses ya su dolor la molestaba a diario y de vez en cuando estando solo con ella, lloraba y ella se decía que era una inútil.  Yo trataba de consolarla sin poder lograrlo y personalmente me afligía.  Intente de mostrar confianza y seguridad con decirle que “dale tiempo…veras que estará mejor” se lo decía sin realmente saber el tiempo que le faltaba, pensé que ella podría estar en nuestros acompañamientos más tiempo y en eso “Me equivoque”.

Al llegar a verla en la cama y mirar en sus ojos, en mi corazón sentí el tiempo escapar, guardando en silencio lo que yo veía.  En un momento veía reconocimiento y en otra veía al otro lado de una ventana que no era esta vida.  El brillo que vi no era la mirada de mucho tiempo.

En una oportunidad cuando la vi despierta, entre en su cuarto y teniendo poco momentos a solas con ella, me acerque, el mirar en sus ojos vi que ella sabia quien era, con una sonrisa en mi cara le digo “Zulma no ves que tengo una barba” su mano bajo y me roció la barba.  Fue mi indicación que me entendía.  A ella no le gustaba cuando yo tenía barba y por esa razón se lo mencione.

Luego le tome la mano, y le dije te quiero, no imaginando que sería la última vez que ella lo escuchara de mi boca, ella me respondió con sus ojos como siempre hacíamos, sentí que ella también en su forma me quiso.
La voy a extrañar, mucho…

Monday, July 11, 2011

Peace - Paz

Español más a abajo

I want to share this with you all

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Quiero compartir esto con ustedes

Ve Serenamente entre el ruido y la prisa, y observa en la paz que se encuentra en el silencio. Encuanto te sea posible y sin rendirte es mejor que estés en buenos términos con todas las personas.

Habla tu verdad calladamente y clara, y escuche a otros; al torpe y el ignorante ellos igual tienen su historia.

Evite a personas ruidosas y agresivas que es molestoso al espíritu. Si te compara con otros, llegaría a ser vano o amargado, siempre habrá personas más grandes o más pequeñas que tú.

Disfrute de lo que haces y de tus planes, guarda el interés en tu propia carrera por humilde que sea, ella es una posesión de fortuna en el cambio de los tiempo.

Ten precaución en los asuntos de negocios porque el mundo es lleno de engaño, pero no permites que este te ate porque aventuras en ella tendrás.

Hay muchas personas que muere con alto ideales y por todas partes la vida hay vista de heroísmo. Sea sincero contigo mismo pero sobre todo no finja el afecto y no seas cínico en el amor por en la cara de toda su rivalidad y desilusión es tan perenne como el alma.

Tome bondadosamente el concejo de los años, abandonado con gracia las cosas de la juventud. La naturaleza refuerza el espíritu protegiéndolo en momentos de infortunas, pero no te apenes tú con imaginación desbocada.

Muchos sienten el estampido de fatiga y la soledad más allá de la disciplina, ten paz contigo mismo. Tu eres una criatura del universo no inferior que los árboles y las estrellas, tu tiene derecho a estar aquí, y si o no está claro a ti, no hay duda que el universo se desarrolla en su momento.

Por eso debe de estar en paz con Dios, o cualquiera que sea tu idea de el, y cualesquiera que sea tu trabajo y aspiraciones, en la ruidosa confusión de la vida, guarda paz en tu alma.

Con todo sus falsas, juicios y sueños rotos, sepas que todavía estás en un

Mundo bello.

Alégrate y reesfuérzate a estar feliz.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata 1927

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just Curious

Still working out the wrinkles in whatever my faith is or is not....

Do you believe in God/ Crees En Dios
Not Sure/ No estoy seguro free polls

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Bible

The Bible is a collection of texts that has inspired and influenced many people throughout history. It is a series of books that has sparked debates and discussions around the world. There are two main versions of the Bible: The Protestant version, which consists of sixty-six books, and the Catholic version, which includes seventy-three books, seven of which are called the deuterocanonical or "second law" books by Catholics and are referred to as the Apocrypha by Protestants. Because they considered these texts to be outside the canon of accepted scripture, Protestants referred to these books as the Apocrypha, which means "hidden books."

The Bible holds a special significance to me, beyond just being a collection of pages, chapters, verses, and words that many believers read in search of meaning and answers to their questions. It is a source of insight into history and politics, and it provides biographies of people who have shaped religion, humanity, and history. The texts describe nature and the concept of God in a poetic way and offer guidance on a range of topics, including relationships, family, money, and code of conduct. The Bible also provides advice on how to treat loved ones with respect and love, and it offers rules for both social and private life. It emphasizes the importance of the individual within the community and the need for mutual respect and understanding. Overall, the Bible is a valuable resource that has shaped my understanding of the world and my place in it.

The Bible consists of two main sections, the Old Testament, and the New Testament, and reading them helps me understand the value of both. The texts provide guidance on love and living a better life, no matter what religion I follow. The Old Testament includes a history of the world and the expansion of people, as well as rules of conduct and the Ten Commandments. It also has biographies of remarkable individuals, such as Job and Esther, and stories of kings like Saul, David, and Solomon. There are also books about prophets, including Jeremiah and Isaiah, which contain predictions and warnings of future events. Additionally, the Old Testament includes books of poetry, wisdom, and prophecy, as well as the book of Ecclesiastes and the Book of Songs. The Prophet's books offer messages to future generations about Christ and the fate of humanity. Overall, the Bible has shaped my understanding of the world and my place in it.

The New Testament of the Bible includes the story of Christ, as well as accounts of the apostles and their work spreading Christianity. It also includes letters from Paul to the churches, written during a time of persecution, on how to be a good Christian. All these stories are included in the same Bible. I have a special relationship with the Bible. Growing up in New Jersey with parents of Puerto Rican descent, Spanish was my first language and the only book we had in Spanish was the Bible, given to me by a pastor whose name I can only remember as "Hermano Suarez." I asked my father, who had only a seventh-grade level education, to teach me to read Spanish from the Bible. He sat me down at the kitchen table with a pad and pencil and a burning candle and taught me the alphabet and how to construct words in Spanish. He also explained the use of accents and the importance of language in expressing our inner thoughts. I learned to read Spanish at the kitchen table under the light of a flickering candle, with the words of the Bible illuminating my understanding of the language.

Growing up, I had a strong impression of the Bible as a large book with bold letters and beautiful photographs of the Holy Land and Michelangelo's paintings and sculptures in the Vatican. I was fascinated by the stories it contained, including those of Samson, Gideon, the Angel Gabriel, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph and Israel, and King David. At the age of twelve, I converted to Protestant, evangelical Christianity, and this marked a shift in my understanding of faith beyond just prayer. Over the past 37 years, the Spanish reading lessons I received from my father at the kitchen table have helped me in my studies and work in Latin America. These lessons also allowed me to deepen my understanding of religion and the concepts of good and evil, light and darkness, and love and hate. To this day, I own six Bibles and have a small library at home, including the tattered Bible that my father taught me to read in Spanish. Although it may not be as visually appealing as many of the other books on my shelves, it is the one that holds the most sentimental value to me. In fact, I have only ever read the Bible in Spanish.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DishNetworks Loyalty Program - No Loyalty

As I am looking for a better deal, I decided to speak with DishNetwork since I have been with them since 2005. I figured they have a loyalty program that would consider me a good customer and thus give me one of those promotions as if I was a new, here is the result of that conversations.

Chat Transcript

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...

Welcome to DISH Network Chat.

Uddin (ID: B50): How may I help you today?

Francisco Colon: yes

Uddin (ID: B50): Sure.

Francisco Colon: I am looking to get a better deal....I am currently looking for new service....what can Dish offfer...and I am not looking for more programing

Uddin (ID: B50): I will be happy to assist you with your request.

Uddin (ID: B50): For security purposes, would you please verify the last four digits of the Social Security Number on the account?

Francisco Colon: 1120

Uddin (ID: B50): Thank you.

Uddin (ID: B50): Please give me a moment to access your account.

Francisco Colon: ok

Uddin (ID: B50): Thank you.

Uddin (ID: B50): Currently there is only one promotion running for our existing customers. I can offer you Cinemax free for one month on your account.

Francisco Colon: Like I mentioned not looking to Add....I have enough channels..I don't need another channel...

Uddin (ID: B50): Okay.

Uddin (ID: B50): I am sorry to say but currently we are not offering any discounts.

Francisco Colon: you know when I renewed my was after it was disconnected for over a yr...and I never got a am technically on a month to month

Uddin (ID: B50): One moment please.

Uddin (ID: B50): Your satisfaction is very important to us, so I would like to transfer you to a specialized department for further assistance. Please be online.

Uddin (ID: B50) has left the session.

Please wait while we find an agent from the (20) Loyalty department to assist you.

You have been successfully transferred to Mark (ID: LQ3) with the Loyalty department.

Mark (ID: LQ3): I will be handling your request today. Please give me a moment to access your account and review your conversation with the previous agent.

Francisco Colon: k

Mark (ID: LQ3): Your patience is greatly appreciated.

Mark (ID: LQ3): I understand you are wanting to lower your monthly cost.

Francisco Colon: k

Mark (ID: LQ3): I will be happy to assist you with your request.

Mark (ID: LQ3): We can remove HBO from the account, That would save you $16 monthly. How does that sound?

Mark (ID: LQ3): Sorry, If we remove just 1 premium that would lower the bill less then that.

Francisco Colon: not very lucrative....if I may say without saying profanity

Francisco Colon: since I watch HBO for Boxing....

Francisco Colon: you can take out about 50 other channels that I never use...

Mark (ID: LQ3): I'm sorry you feel that way. We could lower the core package to drop the price. Would that work for you?

Francisco Colon: what is the core package?

Mark (ID: LQ3): You have the Top 120 currently.

Francisco Colon: ok....

Mark (ID: LQ3): We can get you to the Dish Family package to save you $20 monthly.

Francisco Colon: but are we taking away...CNN, Discovery, History and Fox?

Mark (ID: LQ3): You would get locals and these other channels that are listed:


Francisco Colon: I see you are running a promotion for top 120 for 29.99 for 12 months.....

Mark (ID: LQ3): Correct, that is a new customer promotion that is not available on existing accounts.

Francisco Colon: so....if I cancel the service I have to wait six months?

Mark (ID: LQ3): To qualify for the new customer promotions you would need to be with out service for 3 months.

Francisco Colon: so....let me take that phrase....and express something...

Mark (ID: LQ3): Okay.

Francisco Colon: why then...when I canceled the service in 2008 and restarted the service in 2010....was I not given the promotion?

Francisco Colon: your Loyalty program is no Loyalty Program...

Francisco Colon: you have a Loyalty department by name...not by actions

Mark (ID: LQ3): I'm not sure, the promotions have changes since 2010 though.

Francisco Colon: so....

Francisco Colon: After Feb 2010?

Francisco Colon: or Before?

Mark (ID: LQ3): Could be that you didn't qualify for that promotion at that time.

Mark (ID: LQ3): I apologize for the inconvenience.

Francisco Colon: as per your previous quote I did...

Francisco Colon: so...let me get this straight...

Francisco Colon: I cancel my service now....

Mark (ID: LQ3): Okay.

Francisco Colon: you don't get three month of money from me...

Francisco Colon: and then I restart service in 3 months....for the promotion

Francisco Colon: does that sound about right to you?

Mark (ID: LQ3): Well that would be up to you, the promotion may change in 3 months.

Francisco Colon: regardless....I am concerned with the now...

Francisco Colon: so...does that sound about right to you?

Francisco Colon: so where is my loyalty?

Francisco Colon: if Dish is Really not looking for it

Francisco Colon: I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly....

Mark (ID: LQ3): Available offers can vary according to length of service, existing equipment, and are also affected by the offers you selected when you signed up originally. At this time, the offer you are referring to is not available.

Mark (ID: LQ3): How would you like to proceed?

Francisco Colon: I can't get the promotion....because I am not a NEWer customer...

Mark (ID: LQ3): You do not qualify for a new customer promotion, because you are not a new customer.

Mark (ID: LQ3): Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Francisco Colon: but I would if I cancel the Service for three months and then I am considered a NEWer customer then I would qualify as a NEWer customer and get the package?

Francisco Colon: yes?

Francisco Colon: just want to be clear

Mark (ID: LQ3): Correct.

Mark (ID: LQ3): Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Francisco Colon: yes...

Francisco Colon: Please request to change your departments as the NOT Loyalty Department.... Mark (ID: LQ3): Okay

Talking with Comcast now and see what they offer

Monday, March 14, 2011

On Losing

Not too long ago an old school friend placed an announcement about his father who was admitted to the hospital. The prognosis did not look very good and it seemed that everyone was expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

Not long after he placed an update on Facebook that his father had passed, when he did so it remind me of my own father's death only 25 yrs earlier and the feelings that I had experienced during the sudden death.

I was in the military then and shortly after had to travel back to Germany with my then-wife and infant daughter. While struggling with the loss, I found myself in the local community book store where I stumbled onto a book called "On Death and Dying".

Chapter One, I read the Poem which helped me cope and to understand the experience which would later prepare me for yet another loss. My mother...

I want to share that poem and dedicated this to my friend Felix Crespo and his family.

"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield but to my own strength.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved but hope for the patience win my freedom.
Grant me that I may not be a coward, feeling your mercy in my success alone, but let me find the grasp of your hand in my failure"

God bless you and your family.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dia de San Valentin

El día de tarjeta del día de San Valentín no es todo sobre rosas, caramelos, y cenas costosas.

Tiene antecedentes históricos también.

Completamente el contrario a lo que puede creer, el día de tarjeta del día de San Valentín no fue creado por las empresas de tarjetas para vender tarjetas y caramelos. Es realmente un día de fiesta sancionado por la iglesia, el papa Gelasius en el 14 de febrero otorgo este día como dia de San Valentín cerca de 498 A.D.

Cubierto en misterio, los orígenes exactos de la celebración de la tarjeta del día de San Valentín, son algo confusos, según Mientras que la historia del día de fiesta está bien documentada con los años, el santo (o los santos) que ha sido nombrado para esta fiesta está en el aire.

Es todavía confusa exactamente quién era realmente el santo celebrado del amor, como la iglesia católica reconoce a 3 santos separados nombrados Valentine o Valentinus. Todos eran mártires.


Según una leyenda, Valentin mismo envio el la primera tarjeta del día de San Valentín. Mientras que s encontraba en la prisión, se cree que Valentín cayó en amor con una chica joven -- quién puede haber sido hija de sus encarcelador -- quién lo visitó durante su confinamiento. Antes de su muerte, se alega que él le escribió una carta, que él firmó “de tu Valentín,” una expresión que todavía sigue en su uso hoy.

El más Viejo poema del dia de San Valentin que existe hoy que se conoce es del Duque de Nueva Orleans, Charles (Carlos), quien escribió durante su encarcelamiento en la torre de Londres, siguiendo la batalla de Agincourt, según El poema fue escrito a su esposa.

El día de fiesta continuó ganando enorme renombre en el siglo 17mo y 18, pero consideró enorme renombre en épocas más recientes, con una comunicación más rápida. No era hasta los 1840s que las tarjetas del día de tarjeta del día de San Valentín comenzaron a ser producidas.