Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is there such a thing as Global Warming?

Currently I am living in Argentina, I used to live here about 13 years ago. It's summer here (January 2008) and I can tell you that it is hot as hell. While channel flipping (took years to develop this skill) I stumbled onto a channel whereas the film about Globalwarning was on called An Inconvenient Truth.

I always wanted to get the video, but never had a chance. I will say this 2+2 will always =4 no matter what language. The point is, I feel and believe there is a correlation between what we do and the effects that it has on the environment. Day by day we don't see the effects but spread over time we will.

I have a home in Florida, I might as well think about selling this home and moving farther inland....Hurricanes are getting stronger, water level rising, I can only do so much, I don't drive here in Argentina and I barely drove at home in Florida, mostly riding my bike, just like High School.

I just want to pass this on as an awareness to some of my friends

Here is a small portion of the film

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